
It is widely accepted that oceanic lithosphere is generated by partial melting of fertile mantle peridotites producing basaltic melts and residual peridotites. This theory implies a cogenetic relationship between peridotites and associated crustal rocks, but the actual existence of such a genetic link has been tested in very few places. In this paper, we use Sr and Nd isotopes to test the relationship between mafic and ultramafic mantle rocks from a MORB-type ophiolite in the Internal Liguride Units of the Northern Apennines. This ophiolite is a remnant of the oceanic lithosphere of the Jurassic Ligurian Tethys, and consists of depleted mantle peridotites intruded by a gabbroic complex and covered by pillow lavas and ophiolitic breccias. Whole rocks and mineral separates from the gabbroic rocks yield a Sm–Nd isochron with an age of 164±14 Ma. The whole rock data for pillow lavas are also consistent with this isochron, yielding an initial value of ε Nd (164)=8.6±0.3 (1σ). The mantle peridotites, by contrast, have ε Nd(164) values ranging from 11.9 to 14.8, indicating an extreme depletion unlike that seen in modern oceanic mafic and ultramafic rocks. These results demonstrate that some ophiolites consist of mantle and crustal sections that are not genetically linked by a simple melt–residue relationship, and consequently do not represent mature oceanic lithosphere. Similar evidence has previously been available only from the Xigaze and Trinity ophiolites. The Internal Liguride peridotites yield Sm–Nd model ages of about 270 Ma, assuming a normally depleted mantle source with ε Nd = 9, indicating a Permian time of `extra' depletion. The ophiolite thus consists of mantle peridotites which were depleted during Permian time, and were later intruded and covered by MORB-type magmas during Jurassic time. On a regional scale, this interpretation is consistent with widespread evidence that extensional processes leading to asthenospheric upwelling and magma production were active during the Permian.

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