
The isothermal oxidation of adsorbed CH a on Pt{1 1 0} has been studied using a supersonic molecular beam system. CH a oxidation was found to be much more facile than C a oxidation and takes place at surface temperatures as low as 330 K. Over the surface temperature range 350–450 K the gas phase products are CO 2 and H 2O. We conclusively show that the first step of the reaction is CH a+O a→CO a+H a and that H abstraction to produce OH a and C a does not occur. CO 2 is produced by the subsequent surface reaction of CO a with O a while H 2O is produced by H a oxidation. An Arrhenius analysis yields values for the pre-exponential factor and activation energy for the CH a+O a reaction of (2.1±1.5)×10 −6 molecule −1 cm 2 s −1 and 71±3 kJ mol −1 , respectively. We also studied the temperature programmed reaction CH a+O a reaction and found that the product selectivity is very sensitive to the atomic O a pre-coverage.

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