
The evolution of adaptive interactions with beneficial, neutral and detrimental microbes was one of the key features enabling plant terrestrialization. Extensive studies have revealed conserved and unique molecular mechanisms underlying plant-microbe interactions across different plant species; however, most insights gleaned to date have been limited to seed plants. The liverwort Marchantia polymorpha, a descendant of early diverging land plants, is gaining in popularity as an advantageous model system to understand land plant evolution. However, studying evolutionary molecular plant-microbe interactions in this model is hampered by the small number of pathogens known to infect M. polymorpha. Here, we describe four pathogenic fungal strains, Irpex lacteus Marchantia-infectious (MI)1, Phaeophlebiopsis peniophoroides MI2, Bjerkandera adusta MI3 and B. adusta MI4, isolated from diseased M. polymorpha. We demonstrate that salicylic acid (SA) treatment of M. polymorpha promotes infection of the I. lacteus MI1 that is likely to adopt a necrotrophic lifestyle, while this effect is suppressed by co-treatment with the bioactive jasmonate in M. polymorpha, dinor-cis-12-oxo-phytodienoic acid (dn-OPDA), suggesting that antagonistic interactions between SA and oxylipin pathways during plant-fungus interactions are ancient and were established already in liverworts.

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