
This study investigated coprophilous mycoflora on different dung types in some Area of Niger State. Dung samples of four herbivorous animals (Camel, Cow, Donkey and Horse) were collected from three areas (Enagi, Lapai and New Bussa) in Niger State, Nigeria. The dungs were dried in the Department of Biological Sciences Laboratory, Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University Lapai. A total of six (6) species of macro fungi (Agaricus campestris, Panaeolus papilionaceus, Agaricus bisphorus, Protostropharia semiglobata, Deconica coprophila, Copelandia cyanescens) and six (6) species of micro fungi (Aspergilous. niger, A flavus, A. fumigates, Alternaria sp, Pencillium sp, and Rhizopus stolonifer) were isolated. A. campestris has the highest percentage (40%) of macro fungi (from cow dung), while the least was A. bisphorus with (0.02%). Alternaria sp has the highest (33.26%) among the micro fungi isolated. From horse dung, A. fumigates was isolated with the least percentage of occurrence of 0.10% among the micro fungi. On this note, the animal dung investigated consists of both edible and poisonous fungi. Public enlightenment is therefore recommended on the good and bad effects these fungi. They may also be harnessed for industrial use.

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