
Soil being a major reservoir for microorganisms it is a source of interest for isolation of antibiotic producing organisms. The emergence of antibiotic resistance and need for better, broad spectrum antibiotics is always in high demand. In the present study, antibiotic producing bacteria were isolated from a local soil sample. Total ten soil samples were collected from local pond aseptically and subjected to serial dilution. Crowded plate technique was employed for the isolation of the colony. Total five isolated were isolated which exhibited zone of inhibition around the colony. The isolated colonies were subjected to morphological, microscopical and biochemical characterization. All five colonies were found to be gram positive, non-sporulating organisms and found they belong to the Actinobacteria class. The isolated colonies were subjected to screening for antimicrobial activity against Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis and Yeast by perpendicular streak method. The primary screening results conclude that except one colony all have good antimicrobial activity. One colony found to be highly potential activity which had inhibition towards gram positive, gram negative, sporulating and fungal activity. This study may contribute in providing information on the antibiotic producing microorganisms in soil. Further characterization, purification, and structural elucidation are recommended to know the novelty, quality and commercial value of these antibiotics.

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