
The fatty acid synthetase complex of Penicillium patulum was isolated and shown to be structurally similar to other known fungal fatty acid synthetases. It is composed of two subunit, alpha and beta, each with a molecular mass of about 200 kDa. P. patulum genomic and cDNA libraries were constructed in lambda gt11 and EMBL3 vectors. From these libraries, the P. patulum FAS2 gene together with its flanking DNA was isolated. The cloned genomic DNA was sequenced over a length of 6357 base pairs. The coding sequence of fatty acid synthetase subunit alpha, being 5571 nucleotides long, was identified within this DNA segment. The FAS2 gene is a mosaic of three exons (514, 4949 and 108 base pairs) and two introns, each of 54 base pairs in length. Both introns were absent in the corresponding cDNA sequences. Like other fungal introns both contain an internal CTAAC sequence, located 10 base pairs upstream of their 3'-exon/intron boundaries. In addition, they have, at their ends, the GTCAAGT and TAG consensus sequences characteristic of all eucaryotic introns. Furthermore, two pairs of direct repeats, of as yet unknown significance, were found in the two P. patulum introns. The P. patulum FAS2 gene encodes a protein of 1857 amino acids and 204.5 kDa molecular mass. It is 90 nucleotides shorter than the corresponding S. cerevisiae gene. In both organisms, the FAS2 genes and their products exhibit a high degree of overall sequence similarity at both the DNA (63%) and protein (68%) levels. Therefore, the fatty acid synthetase alpha subunits of P. patulum and S. cerevisiae obviously contain the same catalytic domains in an identical sequential order.

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