
A clone containing 15.6 kb of mouse genomic DNA was specifically localized to murine chromosome 8 by fluorescence in situ hybridization. The major signal, mapping just below the centromeric heterochromatin, was much too intense for a single-copy probe. Two additional weak hybridization signals were detected in or near distal bands 8B3 and 8D. Six subclones spanning the entire 15.6-kb insert gave strong centromere proximal signals; however, none of these clones crosshybridized with each other, suggesting that the repeat unit was quite large. Sequence data support this interpretation. An analysis of over 4 kb of sequence, including two subclones in their entirety, did not reveal any common sequence motif. Copy number reconstruction and Southern blotting experiments indicate that between 60 and 80 copies of the sequence (∼0.9–1.2 Mb in total) reside on each chromosome 8, most likely organized in a clustered but not tandemly duplicated fashion. Although the probe hybridizes to Mus spretus and Mus castaneus as well as to Mus musculus, it is not detectable in the rat, Chinese hamster, Armenian hamster, or human genomes.

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