
Rts1 is a kanamycin-resistance plasmid and multiphenotypically thermosensitive. The detrimental host cell growth at 42° C is expressed only when it exitst autonomously but not in an integrated state. However, a cholate-resistant (plt) mutant of the Hfr with an integrated Rts1 plasmid was found to be thermosensitive like a strain with the same plasmid autonomoulsy. This thermosensitivity depends on the existence of the integrated plasmid. Deletion derivatives of integrated plasmid genome from this Hfr strain were isolated with or without thermal selective growth at 42° C and mapping of the plasmid was attempted by analyzing them. A total of 141 kanamycin-sensitive derivatives were independently isolated and examined for their thermosensitivity (genetic locus: tsg), incompatibility (genetic locus: incT), conjugal fertility (genetic locus: tra), ‘restriction’ of T4 phase (two genetic loci: resA and resB) and for DNase activity (genetic locus: dns). On the basis of characterization of 141 deletion derivatives, they were divided into 15 patterns which would correspond to a linear map integrated into the chromosome: ... resA ... dns ... resB ... tra ... kan ... incT ... tsg ... It is noteworthy that ‘restriction’ of T4D phage is determined by two distinct genes, resA and resB, intervened by dns and that propagation of T4D phage on a strain with a resA+resB- genome failed to produce modified progeny phages.

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