
The Lianyungang salt ponds are an extreme saline environment, and their microbial communities have not been characterized. A typical extreme halophilic archaeon strain designated as HBCC-2 (GenBank accession number: EF687739) was isolated from the salt ponds of Lianyungang in Jiangsu Province, P. R. China, using conventional microbial culture methods. The other halotolerant bacterial strain designated as HBCC-3 (GenBank accession number: EU377478) was isolated from the same sampling sites. The morphological and physiological characteristics of HBCC-2 and HBCC-3 were observed and examined. G+C content of HBCC-2 and HBCC-3 were determined using high-performance liquid chromatography. The cellular phospholipid fatty acids were analyzed using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The 16S rRNA gene sequences of the strains HBCC-2 and HBCC-3 were amplified by PCR using archaeal primers and bacterial primers, respectively. Homology of 16S rRNA gene sequences of the strains HBCC-2 and HBCC-3 were compared with the other similar sequences obtained from GenBank using the BLAST program. Phylogenetic analysis was performed using the software MEGA 4.0 after multiple alignments of sequence data using software CLUSTALW 1.8. The evolutional distances (by Kimura’s model) were calculated and the clusters were performed with the neighbor-joining method. The results showed that the 16S rRNA gene sequences of the strains HBCC-2 and HBCC-3 are related to the genera Halorubrum and Alkalibacillus, respectively. Two phylogenetic trees were constructed by phylogenetic analysis based on the 16S rRNA gene sequence. Based on the above results, the strains HBCC-2 and HBCC-3 were finally identified. The discovery of the two species provides an opportunity to further study these halophilic microorganisms in the Lianyungang salt ponds.

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