
The geometric structures, the interaction energies, the vibrational characteristics, and the electronic structures of the complexes of the isoguanine (isoG) quintet coordinated with mono valent cations (Na(+), K(+), Rb(+), and Cs(+)) have been studied based on the nonplanar models. The geometry of the local minimum structure of the Na(+)-isoG quintet complex deviates significantly from the planar structure. The geometric characteristics of the Na(+)-isoG quintet complex support the experimental findings that Na(+) is unlikely to induce the formation of the isoG quintet-based pentaplexes. Similar to the guanine tetraplexes, the ionic selectivity of the isoG quintet-based pentaplexes is largely dominated by the hydration energy of the cations. After hydration correction, the positive value of the free energy difference for the formation of the Na(+)-isoG quintet complex (DeltaG(f)) suggests that the isoG quintet is unable to capture the hydrated Na(+). The negative values of DeltaG(f) for the K(+) and Rb(+) complexes implies that both ions have the tendency to be inserted into the isoG pentaplexes. This study suggests that, to elucidate the high Cs(+) selectivity of isoG pentaplexes, it is necessary to extend the model from the isoG quintet to the isoG decamer.

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