
Higher education represents an investment in human resources that can provide the promotion of the organization ‘staff knowledge, skills and attitudes requirements including technical, professional and managerial provide. If managers want to take appropriate purposes, it is necessary to carry out strategic planning in higher education in order to resolve problems and issues. The purpose of this study was to identify and analyze the existing situation of the humanities through the analysis of internal and external environment of the education year in 1390. In this study were used both qualitative and quantitative research methods. Members of society in this study, including professionals, students and faculty of Humanities University 35 were considered as samples. The tools used in this study are two types of questionnaire. In order to analysis the information, it was used the descriptive statistics and SWOT analysis.Results showed that Faculty of Humanities in internal and external analysis has more strengths opportunities than weaknesses and threats. And the most important strengths can refer to, and young masters are young, motivated and skilled professors in their field and in the weakness the poor, the fading of the group working of faculty and staff members and in the opportunities can refer to accept the experienced by teachers and related academic fields and tendency and the most important threats are the lack of knowing of community college courses and ambiguous status of graduates.Results of this internal and external analysis showed that, Faculty of Humanities are a good place to grow and improve. Of course it has many problems in the fields of cultural, research and economic that with predicting the future and strategic planning can be overcomes the weaknesses and threats.

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