
Abstract ISIS, the most powerful source of pulsed neutrons for condensed matter research in the world, is situated at Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in England. The laboratory is located on the edge of the Ferkshire Downs in rural Oxfordshire. It is close to Harwell, the site of earlier neutron sources of both pulsed (electron linac) and steady state (DIDO,PLUTOreactors) varieties. The Spallation Neutron Source (SNS), built on the site of, and using the infrastructure of, the particle accelerator NIM-ROD, produced its first neutrons in December 1984 and was officially inaugurated and named ISIS by the Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher in October 1985. The design operating intensity of lSlS is 200 pA of 800MeV protons with the present level of performance some 110μlA at 750 MeV.

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