
Grape phylloxera (Dactulosphaira vitifoliae, FITCH) was a major pest in Vitis vinifera grape production in the late 19th and early 20th century in Europe. Roots of V. vinifera varieties are susceptible to D. vitifoliae attack whereas the leaves are not affected. The pest has been controlled by using American grapevine varieties as rootstocks. However, in recent years, grape producers have reported higher incidences of leaf galls induced by D. vitifoliae on V. vinifera leaves. Research on the occurrence of D. vitifoliae on grapevine leaves and roots has shown that D. vitifoliae is present in all wine-growing regions of Switzerland. In more than 80% of vineyards claiming to be infested, D. vitifoliae was found on leaves of varieties with interspecific crosses in their parentage. Three locations with leaf-galling individuals on V. vinifera were detected. D. vitifoliae individuals were found emerging from soil potentially associated with the commonly used rootstock varieties, which are assumed to be phylloxera tolerant. As climate change may necessitate the relocation of some viticultural areas to new wine-growing regions, there will be a greater need to control D. vitifoliae on leaves of interspecific crosses and the inspected planting material to limit further spread of the pest.

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