
As yoga has gained popularity in Western culture, concerns have been raised about its increased commercialization and assimilation into the predominantly appearance-focused exercise and fitness culture. In this context, the present study examined the physical appearance-related characteristics (e.g., race/ethnicity, body size, shape, objectifying apparel) of 142 female models and the media frames of 567 captions (e.g., commercialism, body competence, health, weight/physical appearance) featured on the covers of three Westernized yoga lifestyle magazines published between 2010–2015. Results indicated that most models were White, embodying the contemporary “thin-and-lean” media fitness aesthetic. Models were actively posed with high body visibility; an appreciable minority was partially-clad in skin-revealing or form-fitting upper-body attire. Media frames conveying commercialism and body competence were equally present. The pattern of effects tended to reflect the strength of the magazine title’s endorsement of exercise and fitness cultural values. Clinical and public health implications along with future research directions are discussed.

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