
Because succinylcholine has obvious advantages for facilitating endotracheal intubation in the ambulatory setting (e.g., low cost, fast onset, and no need for reversal of neuromuscular block), it is important to determine whether this muscle relaxant is indeed associated with an increased incidence of postoperative myalgias, compared with alternative but more expensive nondepolarizing muscle relaxants. We studied 119 outpatients undergoing endoscopic nasal sinus surgery or septoplasty. The anesthetic technique consisted of propofol/lidocaine for induction, followed by isoflurane/nitrous oxide/oxygen for maintenance. Oral tracheal intubation was performed by using a fiberscope. Patients were randomly assigned to one of two muscle relaxant groups. Group 1 patients received d-tubocurarine 3 mg followed by succinylcholine 1.5 mg/kg. Group 2 patients received mivacurium 0.2 mg/kg. After recovery from anesthesia, patients were asked whether they had any muscle pain and/or stiffness. Pain was categorized by location and quantified by using a verbal scale (from 0 to 10). Analgesic usage and myalgias limiting ambulation were recorded. After discharge from the ambulatory surgery unit, patients were contacted by telephone on Postoperative Day 1. If patients complained of myalgias, they were contacted by telephone on Days 2 and 3. Only one patient (in the mivacurium-treated group) reported myalgia as a limiting factor in ambulation or resumption of normal activity. There were no differences between groups with respect to the incidence (21% in the succinylcholine-treated group and 18% in the mivacurium-treated group), location, or severity of myalgia. In conclusion, succinylcholine (preceded by pretreatment with d-tubocurarine and lidocaine) is not associated with an increased incidence of myalgias, compared with mivacurium, when used to facilitate tracheal intubation in patients undergoing ambulatory nasal surgery. Implications The results of this study show that the frequency of muscle pains after surgery in outpatients is approximately 20%, regardless of whether succinylcholine (after precurarization) or mivacurium is used to assist in insertion of the breathing tube.

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