
The flower-like reproductive structure of Euphorbia s.l. (Euphorbiaceae) is widely believed to have evolved from an inflorescence, and is therefore interpreted as a special type of pseudanthium, termed a cyathium. However, fuzzy morphological boundaries between the inflorescence, individual flowers, and organs have fuelled the suggestion that the cyathium does not merely superficially resemble a flower but could actually share developmental genetic pathways with a conventional flower. To test this hypothesis, immunolocalizations of FLORICAULA/LEAFY (LFY), a protein associated with floral identity in many angiosperm species, were performed in developing cyathia of different species of Euphorbia. Expression of the LFY protein was found not only in individual floral primordia (as predicted from results in the model organisms Arabidopsis and Anthirrhinum), but also in the cyathium primordium and in the primordia of partial male inflorescences. These results provide further evidence that the evolution of floral traits in pseudanthial inflorescences often involves expression of floral development genes in the inflorescence apex. This finding blurs the conventional rigid distinction between flowers and inflorescences.

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