
ABSTRACT Humor is foundational to American politics and online culture. However, the content and effects of political humor vary greatly depending on the type of humor and context in which it is deployed. TikTok is particularly known for its humorous content, and US news organizations have capitalized on TikTok’s popularity by creating accounts. Using digital affordances and relief theory as theoretical lenses, we qualitatively content analyze US news organizations’ TikTok videos (WaPo, NYT, WSJ, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, NPR), asking how US news humor manifests on TikTok and how TikTok affordances impact US news humor on the platform. We find that US news organizations’ TikTok content ranges from no humor (ABC, CBS, NBC, and CNN) to explicit humor (WaPo). News organizations also incorporated small attempts at lighthearted content using TikTok features and norms.

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