
Establishment of proper guidelines for irrigation and nitrogen (N) fertilizer management may lead to higher crop fertilizer N use efficiency (FNUE), increasing water conservation and reducing nutrient losses from agricultural systems. The objective of this study was to determine FNUE of potato for three application timings: at planting, emergence and tuber initiation cultivated under three irrigation methods: seepage, subirrigation and sprinkler. A total of 168 kg ha−1 of N was equally split into three applications of 56 kg ha−1 as ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3). FNUE from each application timing in all irrigation methods was evaluated substituting the conventional N fertilizer by an isotope labeled-ammonium nitrate (15NH 4 15 NO3) with 1.18% enrichment in excess. Irrigation method had no significant effects on tuber yield and FNUE. The average tuber yield was 32.1 Mg ha−1 and overall FNUE was 41%. Across the N application timing treatments, the lowest FNUE was measured for the at-planting application (18%), followed by the emergence N application (44%) and tuber initiation N application (62%). Unaccounted N fertilizer during the potato season amounted to 98 kg ha−1 from the total 168 kg ha−1 of N applied. N applied at emergence and tuber initiation were important to increase FNUE and tuber yield, however, some N was required at planting, even with the high potential of N losses for that application.

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