
The defining conditions for the irreducible tensor operators associated with the unitary irreducible corepresentions of compact quantum group algebras are deduced first in both the right and left regular coaction formalisms. In each case it is shown that there are {\em{two}} types of irreducible tensor operator, which may be called `ordinary' and `twisted'. The consistency of the definitions is demonstrated, and various consequences are deduced, including generalizations of the Wigner-Eckart theorem for both the ordinary and twisted operators. Also included are discussions (within the regular coaction formalisms for compact quantum group algebras) of inner-products, basis functions, projection operators, Clebsch-Gordan coefficients, and two types of tensor product of corepresentations. The formulation of quantum homogeneous spaces for compact quantum group algebras is discussed, and the defining conditions for the irreducible tensor operators associated with such quan! tum homogeneous spaces and with the unitary irreducible corepresentions of the compact quantum group algebras are then deduced. There are two versions, which correspond to restrictions of the right and left regular coactions. In each case it is again shown that there are ordinary and twisted irreducible tensor operators. Various consequences are deduced, including the corresponding generalizations of the Wigner-Eckart theorem.

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