
The iron(III) 4,4′,4″,4‴-sulfophthalocyanine(Fe(III)SPc) compounds: H 3Fe(III)SPc·8H 2O; Na 3Fe(III)SPc·0.5NaOH·4H 2O; K 3Fe(III)SPc·0.5KOH·4H 2O; and Cs 3Fe(III)SPc·1.5CsOH·2H 2O, were prepared. The Mössbauer spectra at 77° of the acid and three salts showed that two types of Fe complexes were present in each solid. The acid has low spin, octahedral and intermediate spin complexes, while the three salts are alike and have two different low spin, octahedral complexes. The magnetic moments of the solid acid and Na salt, determined over a temperature range of 295-135°, support these conclusions. The magnetic moments of the Na salt in aqueous solutions at several pH's, concentrations, and ionic strengths showed that at high ionic strength only high spin complexes are present. As the concentration is increased and ionic strength decreased, low spin complexes form. The Mössbauer spectrum of a frozen solution of the K salt (2mM) indicates that a low spin, octahedral complex is present. Half-wave potentials and visible spectra of the compounds in aqueous 0.1 M tetraethylammonium perchlorate were approximately the same. No evidence for μ-oxo complexes in solid salts, or in solution, was found.

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