
This work presents an update on the management of iron deficiency in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD), either with or without anaemia. A review is made of the recommendations of the guidelines for the treatment of iron deficiency in CKD. It also presents new studies on iron deficiency in patients with CKD, as well as new findings about iron therapy and its impact on clinical outcomes.Anaemia is a common complication of CRF, and is associated with a decrease in the quality of life of the patients, as well as an increase in morbidity and mortality. Iron deficiency (absolute or functional) is common in non-dialysis chronic kidney disease patients, and may cause anaemia or a low response to erythropoiesis-stimulating agents. For this reason, the clinical guidelines for the treatment of the anaemia in Nephrology indicate the correction of the deficiency in the presence of anaemia. Iron replacement therapy is indicated in patients with CKD and anaemia (Hb < 12 g/dl) in accordance with the guidelines. There is no unanimity in the indication of iron replacement therapy in patients with Hb > 12 g/dl, regardless of whether they have an absolute or functional iron deficiency.Intravenous iron replacement therapy is safe, more efficient and rapid than oral therapy for achieving an increase haemoglobin lels and reducing the dose of erythropoiesis-stimulating agents. For the administration of intravenous iron in non-dialysis chronic renal failure patients a strategy of high doses and low frequency would be preferred on being more convenient for the patient, preserves better the venous capital, and is safe and cost-effective. Iron plays an essential role in energy metabolism and other body functions beyond the synthesis of haemoglobin, for which the iron deficiency, even in the absence of anaemia, could have harmful effects in patients with CKD. The correction of the iron deficiency, in the absence of anaemia is associated with functional improvement in patients with heart failure, and in muscle function or fatigue in patients without CKD.Despite the evidence of benefits in the correction of iron deficiency in patients with CKD, more studies are required to evaluate the impact of the correction of the iron deficiency in the absence of anaemia on morbidity and mortality, quality of life and physical capacity, as well as the long-term effect of oral and intravenous iron replacement therapy in this population.

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