
The effect of 800 r of whole-body Co60-γ- and X-irradiation on the incorporation of citrate-Fe59 into erythrocytes of male hamsters was investigated. Iron 59 was given intraperitoneally immediately postirradition, and serial blood samples were obtained. The nonirradiated control animals showed a progressive increase in the Fe59 activity of the erythrocytes, reaching a maximum in 4–5 days. After a 5-day plateau, the activity gradually decreased. The Fe59 activity of the irradiated animals decreased, initially, then increased gradually. After 7 days the incorporation rate of Fe59 was 27% by the X-irradiated and 22% by the Co60-γ-irradiated animals, using the controls as 100% values. Ten days later the incorporation rate was 40% by the X-irradiated animals. None of the Co60-γ-irradiated animals survived 10 days, but all of the X-irradiated animals survived. In the X-irradiated animals, the leukocyte counts rose, initially, then decreased and returned, gradually, to preirradiation levels after 30 days. The specific Fe59 activity of different organs of irradiated and control hamsters is reported.

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