
After the tremendous development that occurred in the transmission of news and events through television channels, by adopting (IPTV), which works directly on directing the data unit over the Internet instead of transmitting it through analog broadcasting, this development opened the way for content to be broadcast and received as soon as the Internet was available, and a device Newly innovative, which in turn led to increased competition in the speed of news broadcasting with lower costs than before.These modern features in satellite channels imposed on the caller or the gatekeeper additional standards in addition to the traditional media standards. The speed and high ability to transmit visual and audio information added to the responsibilities of the TV star (newscaster, program presenter, news reporter) new burdens, including ethical ones. Within the ethics of practicing the profession, which consists in deliberating and scrutinizing the news before putting it before the eyes and ears of the recipients, as well as other burdens that pertain to the professionalism of media work.The research problem was rooting to make the developments in the digital field supportive of the speed of performance in media work and the accuracy of the news.The aim of the research is to prove that digital development does not call for a decrease in the level of professional media work, but rather to upgrade it, and to engage in honest competition between satellite channels.The research tagged (IPTV Standards of Professional Practice in the Age of Digitization) was divided into five sections. In the first topic, we deal with the methodological framework for research, in the second topic, the basics of IPTV work, and in the third section presenting the added standards in media work after the development in the means of communication, while in the fourth topic The impact of the development of electronic digitization on media work and the outcome of the content analysis study are explained. The fifth section presents the results, conclusions and recommendations.

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