
This paper reviews data on the nature of spontaneous and radiation-induced mutations in the mouse. The data are from studies using a variety of endpoints scorable at the morphological or the biochemical level and include pre-selected as well as unselected loci at which mutations can lead to recessive or dominant phenotypes. The loci used in the morphological recessive specific-locus tests permit the recovery of a wide spectrum of induced changes. Important variables that affect the nature of radiation-induced mutations (assessed primarily using tests for viability of homozygotes) include: germ cell stage, type of irradiation and the locus. Most of the results pertain to irradiated stem cell spermatogonia. The data on morphological specificlocus mutations show that overall, more than two-thirds of the X- or γ-ray-induced mutations are lethal when homozygous. This proportion may be lower for those that occur spontaneously, but the numbers of tested mutants are small. For spontaneous mutations, there is evidence for the occurrence of mosaics and for proviral insertions. Most or all tested induced enzyme activity variants, dominant visibles (recovered in specific-locus experiments) and dominant skeletal mutations are lethal when homozygous and this is true of 50% of dominant cataract mutations, but again, the numbers of tested mutants are small. Electrophoretic mobility variants, which are known to be due to base-pair changes, are seldom induced by irradiation. At the histocompatibility loci, no radiation-induced mutations have been recovered, presumably because deletions are incompatible with survival even in heterozygotes. All these findings are consistent with the view that in mouse germ cells, most radiation-induced mutations are DNA deletions. Some mutations (in the morphological specific-locus tests) which had previously been inferred to be deletions on the basis of genetic analyses have now been shown to be DNA deletions by molecular methods. However, the possibility cannot be excluded that at least a small proportion of induced mutations may be intragenic changes. The data on the rates of induction of recessive lethals and of dominant skeletal and dominant cataract mutations (and proportions of the latter two which are homozygous lethal) can be used to estimate the proportions of recessive lethals which are expressed as skeletal abnormalities or cataracts. These calculations show that about 10% of recessive lethals manifest themselves as skeletal and < 0.2% as cataract mutations. Since the denominator in these calculations is the rate of induction of recessive lethals detected by the prenatal method and since some recessive lethals act postnatally, the proportions of all induced recessive lethals expressed as skeletal effects or cataracts are likely to be lower than those mentioned above. Mutations identified as recessive lethals can occur either in structural or in regulatory genes involved in development. Data on the induction of mutations leading to congenital abnormalities in the progeny of irradiated mice suggest that this end-point is not very sensitive. The interpretation of the data on the induction of heritable tumors in mice and their relevance for humans is open to considerable uncertainties.

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