
This talk will provide an overview of performance, durability, and applications of metal-supported solid oxide fuel cell and electrolysis cell technology developed at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL). The unique LBNL symmetric cell architecture design, with thin zirconia ceramic backbones and electrolyte sandwiched between porous metal supports, offers a number of advantages over conventional all-ceramic cells, including low-cost structural materials (e.g. stainless steel), mechanical ruggedness, excellent tolerance to redox cycling, and extremely fast start-up capability. The metal-supported solid oxide cells achieve high performance at 700°C: >1.5 W/cm2 with 3% humidified hydrogen fuel >1.2 W/cm2 with internal reforming of ethanol fuel >2.6 A/cm2 electrolysis current density at 1.3V and 50%steam/50% hydrogen With infiltrated catalysts, there is a tradeoff between initial performance and long-term stability, as extremely high surface area promotes high electrochemical reaction rates, but also provides high surface energy leading to coarsening and facilitates Cr deposition. Recent approaches to mitigating catalyst coarsening and Cr deposition within the cathode include coatings to prevent Cr evaporation from the stainless steel components, and optimization of infiltrated catalyst processing to stabilize the microstructure during operation. The degradation rate has improved to 2.3% kh-1 in fuel cell mode, compatible with the requirements for electric vehicle range extenders. Electrolysis operation, however, results in higher degradation rate. Efforts to identify and mitigate the additional degradation mechanisms in electrolysis mode will be discussed. Scale-up from button cells to 50cm2 is ongoing, and highlights will be presented. In addition to our long-standing development of zirconia-based metal-supported cells, recent exploratory effort has focused on compatibility between stainless steel metal supports and proton-conducting ceramics. Co-sintering of 400-series stainless steel and BZCY-type proton conductors presents a number of challenges, including: Ba evaporation in reducing atmosphere, over-densification of steel at the high temperatures (>1400°C) required for BZCY processing, and migration of Cr and Si from the steel support into the BZCY layers. Feasibility of new approaches to overcome these challenges will be discussed.

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