
Quantum computers have been attractive because they could realize large-scale and highly complicated calculations that conventional computers cannot solve within a finite time. The large-scale integration of qubits, which are the building block of quantum computers, is required to realize their practical application. Indeed, fault-tolerant quantum computers require the integration of one million qubits. Therefore, silicon qubits is a high-profile candidate because they have advanced process and miniaturization technologies developed with VLSI. In addition, silicon qubits are advantageous in operation temperature. Superconductor qubits operate at the cryogenic temperature at around a few tens mK; in contrast, the operation principle of silicon qubits can operate at a much higher temperature over 1 K. The high-temperature operation can realize quantum computers with small and high-power refrigerators; therefore, we can expect desktop quantum computers instead of ongoing supercomputer-size ones. We must promote integration technology development for silicon qubits; however, the silicon qubit research was mainly in the physics field. Then, nowadays, the integration technology development is accelerated in the world.The challenges are in all conventional research fields: devices, integration, and circuits. We must re-develop the silicon technologies for quantum. For example, on the device design, now we do not have a good tool to design the qubits like TCAD; therefore, we must re-develop the TCAD technologies for quantum [1]. Actually, this is the starting point of our recent research activities; we are going to develop a quantum device simulator, clarify the requirements on the fabrication process of silicon qubits, and propose new technologies to reduce the variability to realize large-scale integration [2]. As for the integration, the quantum calculation circuits require several integrated items: qubits, qubit couplers, micro-magnets, and readout systems. The situation is quite different from the conventional VLSI case for which only the transistors should be integrated. Therefore, we must go re-developing new technologies to integrate all these items. Regarding the circuits, we must use CMOS circuits to generate input signals for qubits and readout the results of quantum calculation, which should be operated at cryogenic temperature. This is so-called “cryo-CMOS.” We must explore a new side of the transistor technologies, which is not investigated so far, because the physics of the MOSFET operation is quite different from the conventional room-temperature operation, hampering the circuit design due to the lack of the device operation model. In this situation, despite the long history of MOSFETs, new phenomena of transistor operation are discovered. For example, the low-frequency current noise increases at a low temperature. The origin of the noise is on the interface traps, instead of the fixed charges in the gate oxides as is the case for room temperature operation [3]. Therefore, we must re-developing CMOS circuit technologies from the bottom of the technologies, device physics.In this presentation, I’m going to overview the status of silicon technology developments for quantum from the viewpoints of devices, integration, and circuits. Also, we introduce some of our recent results to contribute to the developments.Acknowledgment: Our work is supported by MEXT Quantum Leap Flagship Program (Q-LEAP) JPMXS0118069228.[1] H. Asai et al., IEEE Electron Devices Technology and Manufacturing Conference 2021.[2] S. Iizuka et al., Tech. Dig. Symp. VLSI Technology 2021.[3] H. Oka et al., Tech. Dig. Symp. VLSI Technology 2020.

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