
Disequilibria and Quantitative Adjustment on the Tunisian Intermediate and Capital Goods Import Market: An Estimate Using the Simulated Pseudo-Maximum Likelihood Method byRiadhBenJelili This article looks at a market that is particularly important to investment projects in Tunisia: the intermediate and capital goods market. We concentrate on a short-term outlook (with prices considered to be exogenous and fixed) and develop a disequilibrium model for the Tunisian intermediate and capital goods import market. This model integrates both supply and demand constraints. Furthermore, we introduce the possibility of investment behaviour adjusting to the disequilibrium situation observed on the market in question. By estimating this model using the simulated pseudo maximum likelihood method, we highlight the role of quantitative adjustments in reducing disequilibria. However, the adjustment is not total and the hypothesis of fixed prices would appear to be rather extreme. .

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