
Clove (Syzygiumaromaticum) (L) Merr. & Perry is one of the tree spices noted for its flavor and medicinal values. It is an aromatic plant and imparts warming qualities when it is used as culinary spice. A severe leaf blight incidence was observed on the clove trees at the Horticultural Farm, College of Agriculture, Dapoli during the rainy season. The total severity of the disease resulted in rapid blightening and heavy defoliation. The causal organism of the disease was isolated and identified as Cylindrocladiumquinqueseptatum. The in vitro evaluation of different fungicides revealed that Carbendazim and Carbendazim + Mancozeb each at 0.1% concentration completely inhibited growth of the pathogen. While in the field trial on the clove trees, Carbendazim (0.1%) was the most effective in controlling the leaf blight disease.

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