
The problem of portable water supply has become an issue of global concerned as governments all over the world are trying to make house-holds water accessible to all as easier as possible to meet the challenges for sustainable development goals. This research has been conducted to determine the people’s perception on domestic water supply situation in Kano metropolis, Northwestern Nigeria. A self-designed questionnaire developed and distributed to the subjects using stratified sampling technique, and the data obtained has been presented in frequency and percentage. The results obtained revealed that, there is a scarcity of portable water supply to households in Kano metropolis. The problem emanated from lack of pipe-borne water which necessitated the dependence of the house-holds water supply on vendors that obtained water from boreholes and some hand-dug wells lacking proper hygienic practices. More so, the respondents were willing to pay for pipe borne water delivery, yet, they depend on vendors as their major water suppliers as alternatives. The unhygienic practices of the vendors and water sources posed threat to public health concerned.


  • From the earliest days of creation to this day, mans life depends on water, among other things, for his survival

  • Small family size (2-5) and women gender affects peoples’s perception. This is in agreement with the finding of Hunter et al (2007) and Bi et al (2010) who reported gender, age and family size as factors affecting peoples’ perception to water supply situation

  • Tadesse et al (2013) reported high women participation in issues related to water supply. It is generally a re-known norm in Kano metropolis that women and young girls are tasked with the duty of procuring water for the family

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INTRODUCTION From the earliest days of creation to this day, mans life depends on water, among other things, for his survival. On the other hand, has continued to grow so much so that today, human population on planet earth is put at a little above 7 billion people (U.S Census Bureau, 2013). This huge population depends on water as a very important commodity or necessity for the existence of life but for the growth of both plant and animals not forgetting other needs like the industrial, commercial and aesthetic uses of water. Rural-urban migration escalates the problem of water use (Jenkinson, 2013; Vivan et al, 2014). This study is conducted with the objective of identifying the problems of water supply situation within the metropolis with the view of suggesting lasting solutions to the problem

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