
The paper presents the results of a computational study of the operating modes and design factors of a regenerative heat exchanger. The calculations were based on a mathematical model of regenerative heat transfer. It is shown that the most rational mode of heating / cooling the checkerwork is the regular mode. The regular mode is characterized by a constant local temperature head over the height of the checkerwork, and as a result, a linear distribution of the temperature of the checkerwork along the height. It is shown that it is during the implementation of the usual mode that the maximum heating temperature of the coolant and the maximum heat utilization coefficient are provided. The calculations were carried out for a hot-blast stove. In these heat exchangers, the flow rate of the cold heat-transfer agent (blast-furnace air), the temperatures of the hot and cold heat-transfer agent at the inlet to the checkerwork are constant. The range of variation of the heating/cooling time of the checkerwork for such devices is determined to ensure regular mode. It is shown that, within the framework of the regular regime, a decrease in the duration of the cooling period is accompanied by an increase in the temperature of heating the blast-furnace air, a decrease in the temperature of the flue gases, and an increase in the heat utilization coefficient. Also shown are the values of the design parameters of the checkerwork (equivalent diameter of the checkerwork channel, specific heating surface) at which the heat exchanger will operate regular regime. The calculations showed a range in which it makes sense to increase the heat- transfer coefficient of the checkerwork for a specified range of flow rates of the coolants and the time of the periods of heating and cooling. It is shown in the work that increasing the specific surface of the checkerwork heating and increasing the heat-transfer coefficient will allow one to obtain a tangible effect only in combination with a corresponding change in the operating parameters of the heat exchangers.

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