
Neutrons from the 6 MeV deuteron bombardment of 39K have been investigated by the time-of-flight method; 30 angular distributions of (d, n) transitions to states in 40Ca up to an excitation energy of 10 MeV are obtained. They have been analysed with DWBA to yield l-values and spectroscopic factors. The l = 1 character of 14 transitions to states above 7.9 MeV determines their parity to be negative. From comparison with 39K(d, p) data, four levels above 9.4 MeV are proposed as possible analogues of 40K states with dominant d 3 2 −1 p 3 2 configuration. The experimental transition strengths are compared to previous (τ, d) results and to predictions of the simple shell model. The main component of two shell-model particle-hole states is found in two other 40Ca states than in previous investigations. At least 45% of the d 3 2 −1 p strength is moved away from the zero-order particle-hole states of the shell model. Theoretical spectroscopic factors were derived from the wave functions of Gerace and Green obtained by mixing spherical 1p-1h states with deformed 3p-3h states. Near to quantitative agreement with experiment is observed.

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