
Objectives. This study evaluates the effect of the modification process on the group composition of bitumen and bitumen binders containing rubber powder and hybrid modifier that is based on styrene–butadiene thermoplastic elastomer and rubber crumb. The aim of the study was to determine the presence or absence of functional groups that reflect the direction of physicochemical processes during the preparation of a hybrid modifier in rotary dispersers and during the modification of bitumen binders. Methods. Rubber powder and hybrid modifier were obtained by high-temperature shear grinding using a rotary disperser. Bitumen and modified bitumen binders were investigated via Fouriertransform infrared spectroscopy. Using the method of spectral subtraction, it was determined that during the process of manufacturing modified bitumen binders, structural changes occur in both bitumen and modifiers. During this study, the extraction of modifiers (rubber powder and hybrid modifier) in toluene was performed. Results. The quantitative analysis of changes in the group composition of modifiers before and after the modification procedure was carried out. The active polymer and structural indices were determined. The general trend of the change in the active polymer and structural indices was noted for the initial spectra of the rubber powder and hybrid modifier, and their spectra were obtained after the procedure of subtraction from the spectra of bitumen binders. Conclusions. The interdiffusion of aromatic compounds between the bitumen component and modifier particles was confirmed. On the basis of the results of the extraction of modifiers in toluene, and by taking into account the infrared spectroscopy data, it was determined that during the production of hybrid modifier during the simultaneous grinding of rubber crumb and styrene– butadiene thermoplastic elastomer, there was a chemical interaction between them.


  • This study evaluates the effect of the modification process on the group composition of bitumen and bitumen binders containing rubber powder and hybrid modifier that is based on styrene–butadiene thermoplastic elastomer and rubber crumb

  • The general trend of the change in the active polymer and structural indices was noted for the initial spectra of the rubber powder and hybrid modifier, and their spectra were obtained after the procedure of subtraction from the spectra of bitumen binders

  • Гибридное битумное Гибридный модификатор, вяжущее (ГБВ) Hybrid bituminous получаемый методом высокотемпературного сдвигового измельчения (ВСИ) Hybrid modifier obtained by binder (HBB)

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В статье проанализировано влияние процесса модификации на групповой состав битума и битумных вяжущих, содержащих резиновый порошок и гибридный модификатор на основе бутадиен-стирольного термоэластопласта и резиновой крошки. В работе также проведена экстракция модификаторов (резинового порошка и гибридного модификатора) в толуоле. Отмечена общая тенденция в изменении активного полимерного и структурного индексов для исходных спектров резинового порошка и гибридного модификатора и их спектров, полученных после процедуры вычитания из спектров битумных вяжущих спектра битума. На основании результатов экстракции модификаторов в толуоле и с учетом данных ИК-спектроскопии найдено, что в процессе производства гибридного модификатора совместным соизмельчением резиновой крошки и бутадиен-стирольного термоэластопласта между ними происходит химическое взаимодействие. Для цитирования: Гордеева И.В., Мельников Д.А., Горбатова В.Н., Резниченко Д.С., Наумова Ю.А. Исследование влияния процесса модификации на групповой состав битума и модификаторов методом Фурье-ИК спектроскопии.

Тип модификатора Modifier type
После модификации After modification
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