
This study was conducted in order to investigate of the points of formation of ice particles during cooling of fish sperm. The object of the study was spermatozoa of the Russian sturgeon (Acipenser gueldenstaedtii Brandt, 1833), hybrid Acipenser ruthenus × Huso huso, the spiny-tailed sturgeon Acipenser nudiventris Lovetsky, 1828, and the inconnu Stenodus leucichthys Güldenstädt, 1772. The growth of ice microparticles is formed at the perturbation temperature of the corresponding aqueous suspension, with the concentration of dissolved substances increasing in the non-freezing phase. The process of ice formation and the increase concentration of the remaining liquid continues as it cools to form amorphous (glassy) ice. It is interesting to bring the mass of ice with a further decrease in temperature to (-196) ° C. Cooling causes compression of the formed ice crystals.

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