
The connective tissue attachments to the cervical spinal dura mater originating from the ligamentum nuchae (LN) and rectus capitis posterior minor (RCPM) muscle were evaluated in 30 cadaveric spines. Magnetic resonance images (MRIs) were correlated with the attachments in four cadaveric specimens. Attachments from the LN to the RCPM were also identified. The LN and the RCPM to dura attachments were found in all 30 specimens. Our results indicate that: 1) the attachments between the LN and RCPM and the dura occur between vertebrae C1-C2 and the occipital bone and C1, respectively, and that they are substantial normal anatomic attachments, 2) attachments between the LN and RCPM are usually present, and 3) the attachments between the LN and dura mater can be identified on MRI. These latter attachments may play a role in neck pain, making their MRI appearance clinically important.

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