
In this study, the anti-archaeal activity of thyme (Thymus spp.), mint (Mentha piperita), black garlic (Allium sativum) commercial essential oils were investigated on the extremely halophilic archaea. Halococcus morrhuae strain 123, Haloarchaeon 129, Halorubrum sp. 140, Natrinema pallidum strain 153, Natrialba aegyptia strain 213, Haloterrigena thermotolerans strain 415, Halococcus thailandensis strain 514 and Halobacterium noricense strain 714 were used as extremely halophilic archaea strains. SW25 broth - agar media were used for the growth of cultures. Commercial essential oils were tested at 1/10, 1/50 and 1/100 concentrations. Agar disc diffusion method was applied for antimicrobial activity. Bacitracin (B10), Novobiocin (NV5), Penicillin G (P10), Fusidic acid (FA10) antibiotic discs and Haloferax sp. HSC4 extremely halophilic archaea type culture were used as control. Commercial thyme, mint and black garlic essential oils tested in the study were found to have anti-archeal activity against all halophilic archaeal strains, 5 strains and 3 strains, respectively. According to our results, the highest inhibition zone diameters were obtained from thyme essential oil. Keywords: Thyme, Mint, Black Garlic, Essential Oil, Archaea DOI: 10.7176/JSTR/5-8-07

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