
Secondary level mathematics teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) in teaching algebra is identified as a crucial factor of mathematics teachers’ knowledge that influences on the accuracy of the students’ understanding. The aim of this study is to examine the extent of the mathematics teachers’ PCK in teaching basic algebraic concepts, algebraic symbols. Necessity of learning algebra for advanced conceptualization is asserted by the global literature. Researchers found that the mathematics teachers’ PCK in teaching algebra is not satisfactory. Equally, students’ learning difficulties and their struggle in learning algebra can be identified as a global issue. The sample (N=281) mathematics teachers in the Galle education zone were administered with a questionnaire. The mean value was 6.81 and the standard deviation was 2.74. The study found that the mathematics teachers’ PCK in teaching algebraic symbols is very poor in Sri Lanka. Moreover, the mathematics teachers use inadequate algebraic thinking in the teaching practicum that can restrict the students’ creativity. Students’ understanding in algebraic symbols at the acquisition stage of learning algebra should essentially be developed through well designed professional development programs.

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