
Increasing population in cities due to various reasons such as migration from rural to urban areas, insecurity in areas, civil wars, lack of facilities and access such as health centres, technical schools, universities, industrial development and many other issues. It has caused the density and increase of population in cities to be higher than before, and this increase in population has caused a shortage of housing in the community .this is especially true in developing countries such as Afghanistan, where the war is not over .the present study based on suitable housing with emphasis on urban design approach for citizens in the third district of Kabul, includes the karteh-mamourin and has tried to examine the pros and cons of different types of housing and answer the question that these housing what facilities do they have access to from an urban point of view and what is the level of satisfaction with these houses? Quantitative research method has been used for this purpose .to examine the research hypotheses, considering the population of the statistical population and the available facilities and capacities, 150 questionnaires have been considered. Using spss statistical software, many topics of respondents and analysis of hypotheses have been examined and finally, after the analysis, the final result has been obtained. Hierarchical analysis (Ahp) method has also been used in this research. The final result of this research shows that in order to provide a suitable housing model in terms of urban design for the residents of the study area, the criteria and indicators of the physical-spatial structure of the city are the most important.

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