
This article uses the resolutional relationship between digital image and planetary surface in satellite remote sensing as a lens through which to view the reliance of visual culture on mineral resources. While most studies of resolution in satellite imaging have focused on visibility and invisibility, the author argues that the equivalence between pictorial and geographic space in its cm/pixel specification offers an opportunity to consider the physical relationship between the two. The proposed inversion enables the satellite and its transmitted images to be understood as contingent upon an unsustainably extractive industrial model. The article then traces the material trajectory in geophysical prospecting applications of remote sensing, identifying a recursive loop in which images are used to produce minerals that are used to produce images. The potential geopolitical impact of this circularity is then assessed with regard to an example of future remote sensing emissions governance. In this, and many other climate-critical applications, remote sensing potentially plays a vital role, yet its instrumental gaze tends to shape the earth as an informational resource whose mineral reserves should be capitalized upon. Ultimately, the author’s aim is not to denounce earth observation as ecologically untenable, but to propose that we find a measure with which to assess the planetary impact of the various aspects of industrialized visual culture. Conceiving of resolution not as a measure of pictorial space but of the terrestrial cost of producing, consuming, distributing and permanently storing digital images might enable a more relational understanding of image and ground, pixels and planet. Accounting for the inverse resolution of an image could bring the deep temporal costs of digital visual culture into focus.

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