
Rayner & Riding (1997) identified two complementary approaches to the study of individual differences in learning; process-based models include the notion of 'approaches to studying', whilst cognition-centred model encompass 'cognitive styles'. A number of authors have posited theoretical relationships between these two aspects of learning (for example: Curry, 1983; Riding, 1997). The present study sought to provide empirical elaboration for Curry's 'onion' model and Riding's 'cognitive control' model. It employed a questionnaire survey type approach and used the Cognitive Style Index (CSI) which is a measure of intuition-analysis style (Allinson & Hayes, 1996) and a short form of the Approaches to Studying Inventory (ASI) advocated by Gibbs et al. (1988) augmented by a collaborative scale suggested by the author. The hypothesised factor structure of Gibbs' short form of the ASI was not confirmed, however, the collaborative scale appeared reasonably robust and may warrant further development. A number of relationships were observed: females perceived themselves as being more analytical than males; analysts adopted a deeper approach than intuitives; intuitives had a stronger preference for collaborative approaches than analysts; and females were more achievement-oriented than males. The results are discussed with respect to the theoretical frameworks of Curry and of Riding and the practical implications for student learning in higher education.

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