
The 884th Arabic manuscript from the Royal Monastery of San Lorenzo de El Escorial (Ms. DCCCLXXIX, according to Miquel Casiri´s cataloguing) contains in the folios 1ro-7ro and the folios 63vo-64vo two short treatises written by the great scholar from Cordova Ibn Rushd (Averroes) (1126-1198) on fever and its acute access. The first part (f.1ro to f.7ro), titled in Arabic Talkhīs Kitāb al-ḥummayyāt (Summary of fevers book), is a paraphrase of Galen´s De febris; and the second one (f.63vo to f.64vo) is a booklet that lacks a specific title and it possibly is the work called Masā’il fī-nawā’ib al-ḥumma (Questions about the acute access of fever) or Kalām fī-i‘tiqād zamān al-nūba (Speech on the acute bout of fever time). The present article is an approach to the study of these writings and provides the edition and the translation to English of some fragments as well as a brief introduction to the author and his main oeuvre.

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