
This article concerns an outline of an introductory mechanics course. It is based on theargument that various uses of the concept of force (e.g. from Kepler, Newton andeveryday life) share an explanatory strategy based on core causal knowledge.The strategy consists of (a) the idea that a force causes a deviation from how anobject would move of its own accord (i.e. its force-free motion), and (b) an incentiveto search, where the motion deviates from the assumed force-free motion, forrecurring configurations with which such deviations can be correlated (interactiontheory). Various assumptions can be made concerning both the force-free motionand the interaction theory, thus giving rise to a variety of specific explanations.Kepler’s semi-implicit intuition about the force-free motion is rest, Newton’s explicitassumption is uniform rectilinear motion, while in everyday explanations a diversityof pragmatic suggestions can be recognized. The idea is that the explanatorystrategy, once made explicit by drawing on students’ intuitive causal knowledge,can be made to function for students as an advance organizer, in the sense of ageneral scheme that they recognize but do not yet know how to detail for scientificpurposes.

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