
Phosphorescence quenching was evaluated as a technique for measuring PO2 in tumors and for determining the effect of increased PO2 on sensitivity of the tumors to radiation. Suspensions of cultured 9L cells or small pieces of solid tumors from 9L cells were injected subcutaneously on the hindquarter of rats, and tumors were grown to between 0.2 and 1.0 cm in diameter. Oxygen-dependent quenching of the phosphorescence of intravenously injected Pd-meso-tetra-(4-carboxyphenyl) porphine was used to image the in vivo distribution of PO2 in the vasculature of small tumors and surrounding tissue. Maps (512 x 480 pixels) of tissue oxygen distribution showed that the PO2 within 9L tumors was low (2-12 Torr) relative to the surrounding muscle tissue (20-40 Torr). When the rats were given 100% oxygen or carbogen (95% O2-5% CO2) to breathe, the PO2 in the tumors increased significantly. This increase was variable among tumors and was greater with carbogen compared with 100% oxygen. Based on irradiation and regrowth studies, carbogen breathing increased the sensitivity of the tumors to radiation. This is consistent with the measured increase in PO2 in the tumor vasculature. It is concluded that phosphorescence quenching can be used for noninvasive determination of the oxygenation of tumors. This method for oxygen measurements has great potential for clinical application in tumor identification and therapy.

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