
OBJECTIVE: Our purpose was to evaluate the structure of placental terminal villi and their capillaries in pregnancies complicated by intrauterine growth restriction with absent end-diastolic flow velocity in the umbilical artery. STUDY DESIGN: Glutaraldehyde-perfusion-fixed villous tissue and a plastic cast of the vessels in at least two cotyledons were prepared from 10 cases with intrauterine growth restriction and 9 gestational age-matched control placentas. The structure and dimensions of 20 terminal capillary loops per cast were determined by scanning electron microscopic examination, and their appearances were correlated with the peripheral villi of the perfusion-fixed villous tissue. RESULTS: Capillary loops in the growth-restricted cases were sparse in number and significantly longer than in the control cases (218 μm [72] vs 137 μm [30], mean and SD, p < 0.05). They exhibited fewer branches (4.0 [1.9] per loop vs 6.1 [2.2], p < 0.05) and a majority of loops were uncoiled (79% vs 18%, p < 0.05). The villous tissues from the growth-restricted cases demonstrated elongated villi, consistent with the cast findings. The trophoblast surface was wrinkled and in some areas covered by fibrin plaques. CONCLUSIONS: The terminal villous compartment of the placenta appears to be maldeveloped in preterm intrauterine growth restriction pregnancies where absent end-diastolic flow velocity is demonstrated in the umbilical artery before delivery. These findings are consistent with an increase in fetoplacental vascular impedance at the capillary level and may account for the impaired gas and nutrient transfer in this disorder. (Am J Obstet Gynecol 1996;175:1534-42.)

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