
Brain death (BD) leads to complex hemodynamic and inflammatory alterations which may compromise organ perfusion and induce morphologic and functional damage in various organs. The intestine is particularly sensitive to hypoperfusion and donor hypotension usually precludes intestinal donation. Previous studies reported inflammatory intestinal changes following BD but information on mucosal integrity and perfusion are lacking. BD was induced in mice by inflating an epidural balloon catheter. Controls underwent only anesthesia and tracheostomy. Intestinal perfusion was assessed using laser Doppler flowmetry (LDF). Intestinal injury was assessed after 2h of BD by the Chiu-Park score and morphometry. Intestinal tight junction (TJ) proteins (claudin-1, claudin-3, occludin, tricellulin) as well as inflammatory activation (intercellular adhesion molecule-1, vascular cell adhesion molecule-1, and interleukin-6) were also analysed and compared with a sham group. Although blood pressure decreased in BD mice, intestinal perfusion remained similar between BD and sham mice. Histologically, mucosal injury was absent/minimal and TJs appeared well maintained in both groups. BD may trigger intrinsic, autoregulatory mechanisms to preserve microvascular tissue perfusion and mucosal integrity in spite of mild hypotension.

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