
AbstractGenetic improvement ofTrifolium alexandrinumL. is hampered because of narrow genetic base and lack of interspecies compatibility information. The study was envisaged to understand the interspecies incompatibility and the affinity betweenT. alexandrinumand 22 species of the genus representing different sections and to develop interspecific crosses. Development of interspecific hybrids withT. resupinatum, T. lappaceum, T. subterraneum, T. vesiculosumandT. echinatum,through embryo rescue, revealed their affinity withT. alexandrinum. Failure of pollen germination or restricted pollen tube growth showed its distant relatedness withT. clypeatum, T. balansae, T. purpureum, T. leucanthum, T. hirtum, T. pilulareandT. hybridum. Pollen tubes reached up to ovule among the crosses withT. alpestre, T. repensandT. nigrescens,whereas it travelled up to ovary among the crosses withT. angustifolium, T. grandiflorumandT. dasyurumindicating need of manipulation to overcome barrier. Thus, incompatibility ofT. alexandrinumwith manyTrifoliumspecies could be overcome through embryo rescue with intensive crossing. Egyptian clover ecotype ‘Fahli’ was more compatible with other species than ‘Mescavi’.

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