
The equivalence of fixed- and variable-field particle acceleration systems for the auiabatic dumping of synchrotron oscillations is pointed out. These two quite different acceleration methods are therefore able to produce particle beams of equal density for beam stacking purposes. The transfer mechnnism between an accelerator and a storage ring is discussed, and the properties of a fast-rise 3-kilogass beam-switching magnet are shown. It is concluded that the source interaction rate obtainable in a proton storage ring system would be nearly independent of the focusing properties and repetition rate of the injecting accelerator. An improved design for intersecting-beam storage rings is described, in which several well-separated interaction regions could be used for simultaneous experiments. Standard types of alternating-gradient magnets would be required, and the over-all weight of synchrotron plus storage rings would be about onetenth as large as that of comparable beam-stacking accelerators. (auth)

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