
AbstractThe 30 years of observations from the High‐Resolution Infrared Radiation Sounder (HIRS) longwave CO2 channels aboard the NOAA series of satellites are being used to detect climatological changes of cloud. However, the intersatellite radiance discrepancies in the channels need to be removed for the development of a consistent cloud series using HIRS data. By analyzing the intersatellite radiance comparisons at simultaneous‐nadir‐overpass locations for HIRS longwave CO2 channels onboard the NOAA and MetOp series of satellites, this study optimizes the spectral response functions (SRF) for each HIRS to generate a more consistent long‐term set of observations. Intersatellite radiance biases as large as 5% are found for these channels; the spectral differences and spectral uncertainties are shown to be the main causes. To estimate the radiance change for a specific channel due to SRF difference and uncertainty, a linear model is developed to correlate the radiance change for the channel being analyzed with the spectral radiances in the eight selected HIRS channels. The hyperspectral measurements from the Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer on the MetOp satellite are used to simulate HIRS observations and estimate the parameters of the linear models. The linear models are applied to the NOAA and MetOp HIRS data at simultaneous‐nadir‐overpass locations to estimate the intersatellite radiance differences due to the SRF differences and uncertainties. The intersatellite mean radiance biases are minimized toward zero with residual maximum uncertainty less than 1% after the SRF differences and uncertainties are mitigated. Using the MetOp Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer as a reference, the optimized SRFs for every NOAA HIRS are found by effectively minimizing the root‐mean‐square values of the intersatellite radiance differences. The optimized shifts of the SRF can be as large as 3 cm−1.

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