
The article proposes conceptual approaches to the study of the relationship between interregional investment cooperation and economic development of regions in modern conditions. The content of the concept of interregional investment cooperation is considered, its main elements are highlighted. Theoretical concepts of domestic and foreign authors, in a complex and separately considering the geographical and economic factors influencing economic growth and development of regions act as a base of research. The existing concepts of regional development, the theory of new economic geography, spatial economy, interregional cooperation are analyzed. The development of the concept of the relationship between interregional investment cooperation and economic development of regions in modern conditions from the point of view of the considered theories contributes to the understanding of the impact of the involvement of the region's economy in inter-regional investment relationship to the development of regional economy within the space of the macroregion. It is proved that it is possible to reverse the inertia of spatial development by creating new economic mechanisms and tools that activate endogenous factors of regional growth. One such instrument could be interregional investment cooperation, the implementation of which should be coordinated at the level of Federal districts or macro-circles in accordance with their development strategies and programmes. The expansion and deepening of regional cooperation in the investment sphere, its qualitative changes require the coordination of directions, mechanisms and forms of cooperation in the strategic documents of regional development.

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