AbstractUnderstanding population structure is crucial for predicting species' responses to environmental change and elucidating evolutionary history. This study investigated the population structure of Periophthalmus waltoni in the Persian Gulf and Gulf of Oman using landmark‐based geometric morphometrics (GMM) and discrete wavelet transform (DWT) methods on sagittal otoliths. The objectives were to (i) examine otolith shape variation across different populations and (ii) compare GMM and DWT methods for resolving population differences. Both methods distinguished populations based on general otolith shape, with DWT revealing finer details due to its high accuracy in detecting otolith margins. Interestingly, populations from Sistan‐Baluchestan and Hormozgan, despite geographical separation, showed minimal variation in shape, suggesting environmental factors may influence otolith morphology. Distinct otolith shapes in the Khuzestan population, likely due to geographic isolation, may be influenced by the mangrove forests near Qeshm Island acting as barriers to larval dispersal. This aligns with molecular data and indicates that the relatively young eastern Persian Gulf may also contribute to these differences. Our findings revealed distinct geographical patterns in otolith shape, highlighting the influence of local environmental factors and larval dispersal on population differentiation. These results provide valuable insights into P. waltoni's population structure and evolutionary history, advancing our understanding of its adaptation to the diverse environmental conditions of the Persian Gulf and Oman Sea.
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