
Introduction: The process of sending and receiving information called communication becomes the part of teaching and learning process which can be ignored by the lecturers and students. The process of this continual activity takes the important part in education itself, especially for the students academic achievements. The failure of communication not only affects the students in receiving information but also their relationship with the lecturers. This study is purposed to analyze in depth about the interpersonal communication patterns of health education lecturers in guiding the practical clinical training of nursing students in Padang city.Research Methodology: The type of research used is descriptive research. The population of this study were all nursing students from three private health education in the city of Padang who took practical clinical training courses. Sample research consisted of 51 nursing students. The instruments of this research are questionnaires, interviews and direct observation. Results and Discussion: The results showed that the communication pattern between health education lecturers and nursing students in the city of Padang was a circular communication pattern. This communication is suitable to be done in an academic environment because of the success of this communication pattern that runs in two directions as a result the process of exchanging information goes well. Conclusion: However, communication anxiety is still felt by students towards their supervision in practical clinical training so that it is difficult to communicate, feeling uncomfortable and the intimacy between students and supervisors is still difficult to achieve.

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